
Sunday, January 31, 2016

I Spy...

2 I spy bags. I made one for my son (22 months) and one for my nephew who is 6 months older.

When I handed my little one his bag he said "wow!"

Here is a picture of the stuff that is in one of the bags.

This is Pin #41 in my 101 Pin challenge to myself.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I mentioned before that I really want to do the splendid sampler quilt along. This morning I picked out some fabric to use.

I'm so excited for this quilt along to start.

Monday, January 25, 2016


So the other day I started sewing a little something for my youngest and my 11 year old decided she had to sew too!

We resized a pattern from an 18" doll and she made 2 headbands for her 15" doll.

Friday, January 22, 2016

A quilt top

I finished a quilt top for one of my girls last night. This has been in the works for a while, started it then had to put it aside for a while.

This is using some fabric I won from one of my favorite blogs Happy Quilting. She has a giveaway every tuesday.

Got the pattern here!

Linking up to Amanda's

This is Pinterest #40, in my challenge to myself to complete 101 of my pins.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Project life

In one of the Facebook groups I belong to it's all about using up your scrapbook stash and not buying more. I will probably buy some here and there but I do want to use up what I have. The first challenge in the group was to make some goals. I decided to include this in my 2016 Week 1 PL layout.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Another Quilt Along

I just found another Quilt Along:

The Ugly Sweater Quilt Along. This one would be perfect to give to my mom. She has been knitting sweaters and things since she was little.

You can find the link to this quilt along on my side bar.

I was going to add a picture here but for some reason blogger wont let me!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oh my...

It's been a while since I've posted on here. Where have I been??

I've had 5 sick kids from thanksgiving through christmas: ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, more ear infections, pink eye... I hope we are in the clear now (fingers crossed)!

So what have I been working on?

I've been trying to catch up on my 2015 PL album. I'm on week 34 right now. I've also started my 2016 album. I have Week 1 done, but still need to do the cover page.

I'm excited for a new quilt along I came across. The Splendid Sampler . 100 6" blocks. I've been wanting to try a quilt like this.

I also like the new quilt along from Fat Quarter shop.

I might have to give this one a try too!