
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Denim Rag quilt

This summer I got a box of Jeans free at a garage sale. So I turned it into a Rag Quilt. I just finished it yesterday and have a blister on my finger from all the snipping.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Baby Quilt

Here's the baby quilt I told you I was working on. It took longer than anticipated since I messed up my back and hip and had to go to physical therapy to correct it. Still have a couple more sessions of therapy, but the therapist was impressed that I'm almost back to normal.

Now I have to sew together more rag letters for Sydney. She got the uppercase alphabet last year. Now she wants the lowercase alphabet to go with it. I also want to make a I spy quilt for the girls but I need lots of different novelty print fabrics for it.