
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The start of a color book

I decided to make my niece a color book.

I dumped out the two walmart bags of scraps I had in my room, spent a while sorting them out by color and putting them in ziplock bags. And the last two days I've been sewing up pages.

Today I took out my embroidery machine and added the color words.

Now to decide on what to do for the cover and back and sew it all into a book.

Monday, September 25, 2017

2 Finishes!

This quilt I made for a niece that is expected in the middle of December.

This little mini quilt has been sitting in my UFO pile for a long time! I finally finished it.

This mini is #5 on my FAL-Q3 list, and it is also #5 on my American Patchwork and Quilting UFO list. .

Thursday, September 21, 2017

I Spy finish

I finished my I spy quilt. This quilt has 196 4" novelty squares. I'm so glad I participated in the swap Val had last year. I used this tutorial. I just made a bunch more blocks to make the quilt bigger.

I tried 2 new things on this quilt. The first being I tied the quilt, which I've never done before. And the 2nd is I used the backing to bind the quilt.

I love this quilt, and it's making me wonder why I left the top just sitting there for so long before I finished it.

This quilt is listed as #1 on FAL 3rd Quarter list and is #3 on my American Patchwork and Quilting UFO list.

Now I need to stock up on I spy squares again!!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I spy

I worked this morning, the youngest 3 kids spent the night at Grandma's. My husband is bringing them home after he gets done at a fishing tournament. So instead of spending all this time on FB and Pinterest, I decided to start tying a quilt. This is my first time tying a quilt, so after watching a few YouTube videos. I jumped in.

Friday, September 15, 2017

My little pony

My 9 year olds new obsession is my little pony. While shopping at Walmart, I seen some my little pony fabric. I bought a yard and turned it into a pillowcase for her. She was surprised when she got home from school.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Almost done..

I've been working on a baby quilt for a new little niece that is due to arrive in December.

All I have left is the binding, which would be done if it wasn't so nice outside today. I've been outside most of the day playing with my 3 year old.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Progress update

I took on American Patchwork's UFO challenge.

Back in December of 2016, I made a list.

My list now:

I completed #1. This was gifted to my great nephew.

#2, I haven't done anything to.

I have the backing for #3, just need to piece it together, I'm planning on tying this quilt.

#4. I need to figure out how to square this one up.

#5. I haven't touched this one.

#6. Another one I completed.

#7 and #8: I"ve made some progress on my PL albums. I"ve made the most on my 2016 album, I need to get these done and start on 2017

#9. Sewing machine cover, I haven't done anything to.

#10, my rainbow cat quilt. I got the top complete.

#11. I completed the quilt top.

#12. Crazy Quilt, another one I haven't touched.

I've completed a couple, and have made progress on a couple. I hope to get a few more done soon!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

2 Hats

I got a leftover ball of Caron cake yarn from my mom and made 2 hats.

The bigger hat was given to my niece who turned 5 months a few days ago. The smaller hat will go to a niece due in December.

I have enough yarn left to make another hat, but I switched to a blue Caron cake to make one for my son.