
Friday, October 14, 2016

ABC Quilt

I finished this way back in August. As soon as it was done my youngest-he's 2- took the quilt from me and has been cuddling with it ever since. The whole time I was making it he would come check and let me know this one was his. With the completion of this quilt all 5 of my children now have their own quilts. Time to figure out what I want to make for me. (I have yet to make a quilt for myself).

Trying to get a picture of the quilt and Branson is right there ready to grab his quilt.

The label for the back. It didn't turn out quite like I had envisioned, but I'm still learning about my embroidery machine.

Linking up to Amanda's and Sarah's.


  1. I think you have done an amazing job on this Alphabet quilt. It is a fun one for the littlies to use. Well done

  2. This quilt looks so great!! Love it!

  3. Alphabet quilts are great for youngsters - no wonder your little one loves his!!

  4. great quilt he will enjoy learning his alphabet with this to help

  5. What a cute quilt! You should have let him get in the picture with his quilt. There's no doubt that his cuddling would only enhance the photo. Too sweet!

  6. gorgeous and your colour choices are fab :D #tuesdayarchives
