
Monday, June 24, 2019

Red Hulk mask

My youngest just loves his super hero masks, and he's been after me for a while to make a red hulk mask for him. So yesterday after I got off work I made one.(Blurry Picture was taken with my phone)#24 on my FAL Q2 List.

I love going on blogs and seeing not only quilts but outdoorsy pictures of things I wouldn't see living here. So I thought I would include some here. We went to Lake Bemidji State park on one of the only 2 days off a month I share with my husband. We went on the bog walk.

We happened to find a yellow lady slipper. (Never seen one before)

Some of the view on the bog walk.

A pink lady slipper.

This little guy went right up to my husband who was sitting on a bench.


  1. Great mask !! Thanks for sharing your walk, those lady slipper flowers are lovely. Is that a squirrel?? Must be used to getting snacks from people to come so close.

  2. Looks like he loves the mask! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2019 global FAL hosts.
